Smart DryFireMag® with Laser for Glock 43X/48 - DryFireMag
PLEASE NOTE: The Smart DryFireMag® is Not Compatible with any other laser cartridge.
*(NOT FOR 10mm, 40caliber, 45 caliber or .357)
Warranty for 1 year or 15'000 trigger pulls.
Compatible with:
Glock 43X/48
No More Racking the Slide to Reset the Trigger
Practice Double Taps
Builds Proper Muscle Memory
Provides Audible & Tactile Trigger Simulation
Does Not Use Pistol’s Firing Pin
Pays for Itself in Ammo Savings
Practice Safely in Your Own Home
The Smart DryFireMag® with Laser will allow you to practice your dry fire technique without having to remove your support hand to cycle the slide of your pistol.
This DryFireMag® is set to simulate a factory Glock 5.5 – 6lb trigger weight. If lighter or heavier trigger weight is desired, please purchase with the available spring kit.
For the Glock Performance trigger and other custom triggers that return forward to the “cocked” position we strongly encourage removing the spring from the DryFireMag® for a more natural feeling trigger press.
Some models of the Smart DryFireMag® are non-weighted magazines.
For compatibility with 40 caliber, purchase the 40 Caliber adapter.