SAINT JAMES CROSS & Liner THIN BOGIES grips Shadow 2 (G10) Slim - Lok Grips
Black with Red inlay
These grips are for people who like the thin aluminum grips, but want something with more bite. These grips are thinner than the stock grips. With the stock grips, the total thickness of the gun across the grips is ~1.41''. With our grips, it measures 1.17''. So these grips are approx .12'' thinner each than the stock grips. These grips are .025'' thicker than the thin aluminum grips (not much thicker - we had to add a little extra material for the heavy texturing on these grips).
• Includes Screws & O-rings
Grips are made from Phenolic G10. G10 is only 1/2 the weight of aluminum but nearly as strong with a grippier texture. G10 won’t crack or shatter, like the cheaper polymer and acrylic grips are known to do. The color is dyed into the material, so scratches aren’t an issue. G10 grips will last a life time under normal use.